
Line Charts - FAQS

Table of Contents

1. What are a line chart and its uses?

The simplest line chart definition would be a graph or plot that connects data points from within a series using a line. The sequential values in such a trend line chart can help you identify patterns. They’re mostly used when you need answers to queries, such as:

  • Will we meet our quarterly/yearly goal?
  • Are any patterns developing in the data over time?
  • Which category is outperforming the others?
  • Is there an upward trend or a downward one?

2. What is the benefit of a line chart?

Line charts are ideal for demonstrating the rate–change over time–and trends. Therefore, they can be useful in predicting and forecasting as yet unrecorded data. Finally, you can also use line charts to demonstrate one independent variable's effect on several dependent ones.

3. What are the limitations of line charts?

Like all chart types, line charts also have limitations. One of them concerns data granularity. The more points you stuff into one chart, the more unclear they will become. Therefore, users should weigh the bar chart vs line chart pros and cons and look at other types, like stacked bar charts or sparklines, when presenting such data.

4. How do you use a line graph?

You can use a line chart for displaying change in your data sets over time. The points will be connected by line segments on two axes. Since one data set’s dependent on the other one, your line chart will help you determine the relationship between the two.